First Atlas of Belgium

Paper version 1950 – 1972

You will find here the PDF versions of maps and comments. Maps marked with a # are also integrated into the WMTS ‘First Atlas of Belgium’ and can be displayed in GeoclipAir application.

Table of contents in French or in Dutch

Titles Plates Notes in French Notes in Dutch

Belgium in Europe

Belgium and border areas 01
Belgium and border regions – Geology 02

Cartography and geophysics

Triangulation and Leveling, 1947, 1947 03
Samples of official maps 04
Gravity, 1948, and Earth magnetism, 1943 05 Notice en français Commentaren

Physical geography

A. Soil and substratum

Oro-hydrography 06 Notice en français Commentaren
Morphology 07 Notice en français Commentaren
Geology 08# Notice en français Commentaren
Lithology 09 Notice en français Commentaren
Tectonics and Seismology 10 Notice-1 en français
Notice-2 en français
Commentaren 1
Commentaren 2
Pedology – Some soil maps 11A Notice en français Commentaren
Pedology – Soil associations 11B# Notice en français Commentaren

B. Climatology

Climatology I – Annual averages 12 Notice en français Commentaren
Climatology II – Monthly averages 13 Notice en français Commentaren
Climatology III – Additional information 14 Notice en français Commentaren

C. Hydrography and hydrology

Hydrography 15
Hydrogeology I – Aquifer in the Mesozoic and Paleozoic formations 16A Notice en français Commentaren
Hydrogeology II – Aquifer in the Tertiary and Quaternary formations 16B Notice en français Commentaren

D. Littoral and North Sea

Coast, Dunes, Polders 17 Notice en français Commentaren
North Sea – Coast, Estuary of the Scheldt river 18A Notice en français Commentaren
Western Scheldt 18B Notice en français Commentaren


Phytogeography I 19A Notice en français Commentaren
Phytogeography II 19B Notice en français Commentaren
Zoogeography 20 Notice en français Commentaren

Human geography

Population density, 1947 21 Notice en français Commentaren
Population per municipality, 1947 22 Notice en français Commentaren
Population density: 1846, 1880, 1900, 1930 23 Notice en français Commentaren
Population movements: 1846-1880, 1880-1910, 1919-1930, 1930-1947 24 Notice en français Commentaren
Birth – 1880, 1910, 1930, 1947 25 Notice en français Commentaren
Mortality – 1880 and 1947. Foreigners: 1910 and 1947 26 Notice en français Commentaren
Spread of the rural settlement 27 Notice en français Commentaren
Urban network I – Urban spheres of influence, 2nd level, 1965 28A# Notice en français Commentaren
Urban network II – Urban spheres of influence, 3rd level; Metropolitan spheres of influence, 4th level, 1965 28B# Notice en français Commentaren
Urban network III – Urban activities structure, 1961 28C# Notice en français Commentaren

Economic geography

A. Forest and agriculture

Forests, 1951 29 Notice en français Commentaren
Forests – Types of settlement, 1957 29A Notice en français Commentaren
Forests – Landlords categories, 1957 29B Notice en français Commentaren
Cultivated areas, 1950 30 Notice en français Commentaren
Agricultural producing, 1950 31 Notice en français Commentaren
Livestock breeding, 1950 32 Notice en français Commentaren
Farms, 1950 33
Farming population, 1950 34
Agricultural areas, 1959 35#

B. Industries

Energy, 1961 36 Notice en français Commentaren
Coalmines I – Hainaut and Namur, 1951 37
Coalmines II – Liège and Limburg, 1951 38
Quarry, 1950 39 Notice en français Commentaren
Raw industries 40#
Industry – sixteen domains of industry, 1947 41
Textile and Metallurgy, 1968 42
Industrial population, 1947 43

C. Transport and trading

Roads, 1966 44
Waterways, 1958 45 Notice en français Commentaren
Railways, 1960 46
Traffic – Waterways, 1967; Road traffic, 1965; Railways (goods), 1967; Railways (travelers), 1967 47 Notice en français Commentaren
Tourism and hotel industry 48
Foreign trade of the Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union, 1962 49 Notice en français Commentaren

Regional geography

Regional classifications 50A
Examples of geographical areas 51A
Examples of geographical areas II 51B
Examples of geographical areas III 51C